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Home learning ideas

Every week we will add specific activities for your 2, 3 & 4  year olds, click this term for the latest weekly ideas.

Below are some more great ideas and websites for activities

Sharing stories at home - 


Chat, Play and Read together. These three simple things can really make a difference to your child’s development .

Listed below are some websites which you might find helpful.




Hungry Little Minds- is a  Department for Education campaign


Simple, fun activities for children, from newborn to five year olds.

On this website you will find some short videos and simple, fun activities that you and your child can do together.

The activities have been broken down by age group, but pick and choose the ones that feel right for you.

There is also some guidance for parents and carers on choosing educational apps for children. For example the CBeebies storytime App

 Cilck here for a virtual tour of Brighton & Hove Jubilee Childrens' Library

ABC Does

Lots of fun ideas to do with your child .


Bradford 50 things to do  before you are 5


This has been created in Bradford  and its really good. Absolutely loads of ideas if you click on each picture.

Tick-off 50 fantastic things for you and your child to experience together.

“50 Things To Do Before You’re Five” suggests 50 activities that parents and carers can try out with their children.  Some are specific to the local area of Bradford, but there are lots of great things to do that anyone can try for free.


Tiny Happy People


The BBC has launched a campaign called Tiny Happy People. Tiny Happy People  provides resources for parents and carers to support their child’s communication and language development . There are lots of short video clips demonstrating simple interactions and games.

A chatty child is a happy child, so Tiny Happy People  helps parents and carers develop their child's communication skills through simple interaction and play.  This website has fun ideas suitable for children from o-5years.






The BBC cbeebies website is full of fun ideas for things to make and do with your pre school children. 

·         Number blocks is   on Cbeebies

·         Mr Tumble on You tube singing nursery rhymes with Makaton signs

·         A free website with maths games for 3-5 year olds -  topmarks.co.uk

·         Pinterest has lots of ideas if you name a nursery rhyme and

·         Cosmic Kids yoga on You Tube. Creative yoga for young children using stories